Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I'm so glad to be back after the snow.  I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed the snow safely.  Please be aware that we have Saturday school as a make up day for Monday and our next make up day won't be until March.  It is extremely important that your child attend school on Saturday if at all possible.  We have fallen behind in our lessons this quarter due to missed weather days already this year.  I will be teaching a full lesson in EL and in Math on Saturday.  Lunch is not served so it is important that you send your child with enough to eat.  We will take a break at some point in the day for a lunch/snack break in the classroom.

Don't forget:
Monday, Dec. 17th is the deadline for their Social Studies float assignment.  We are inviting everyone who can come on the 17th at 2:00 to hear the presentations and view the parade floats for our class and Mrs. Olynick's class.  We hope to finish the presentations around 2:30 but in the past we have run over into our recess time by a few minutes.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone had a happy and healthy holiday for Thanksgiving.  We will be very busy trying to squeeze everything in before our next break for Winter.  Please avoid missing any time from school if at all possible.

We have a field trip to the Planetarium coming up on Wednesday.  Please make sure your students have warm coats as we do walk between buildings briefly and I believe the forecast is going to get chilly.  We do not need anymore chaperones for field trips this year as we only go in from the bus to the trip and then right back to a bus to come back to school.  Thank you for all the offers, but there is no space to have any.  

In Math we are working on our multiplication fluency.  If you could work with your student at home on their multiplication facts that will help build their confidence.  You should see a form to sign for their multiplication facts coming home soon.  

In ELA we are still working on Frogs and your child should be reading informational texts when possible about frogs.  I have sent home an invite to Epic Books several weeks ago online to help with the reading but it is not required.  I also sent home a stamina chart for reading without breaks for 20 minutes.  I trust that most can do the reading for 20 minutes but the idea is reading with stamina with no breaks from the page.  They should be able to explain what this looks like on their reading log.

The students are finishing Science this week and starting Social Studies at the same time.  This is due to all the days we missed because of weather.  We were unable to complete the Science but is was time to switch with Mrs. Olynick's class for Social Studies.  They should have come home with a project for Social Studies to create a parade float about their heritage.  These are usually so fun for the class and they are quite beautiful to see.  I am asking Mrs. Wall if we can display them in the Media Center before they return home.  More on those dates to come in the near future.

Thanks and have a great week!
Anne Simmons

Monday, October 1, 2018


Hopefully you have all been able to secure a spot in my Sign Up Genius for a conference.  Meeting with families and working together for your child's progress in third grade is one of my favorite parts of teaching.  I look forward to meeting with each of you soon. 

Don't forget that we are having our End of quarter celebration on Tuesday, October 2nd for our EL curriculum.  I hope to see many of you there. 

Brassfield has been doing a new school wide curriculum called the Positivity Project.  It is a character education curriculum to help all students (and adults) learn to interact with each other in a positive way.  I have been sending home papers explaining the Character Strength of the week in their Wednesday folders.  Please take a moment and read over the character strength and talk with your child about these.  I am also including a link to the program that should allow you to take a survey about your own strengths. 

We have a field trip coming up on October 18th to the Mordecei House.  Please make sure your child has weather appropriate clothing that day as we will be going in and out of buildings that may not have air conditioning.  

Have a great week!

anne simmons

Monday, September 17, 2018

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all were safe during Hurricane Florence.  I wanted to make everyone aware that we will be having our Cogat testing tomorrow (or when we return if we are cancelled again).  We were scheduled to start today, September 17th but we will begin testing when we return in the same order we had originally planned.  

Enjoy the sunshine today,
anne simmons

Monday, August 27, 2018


I am sending Ident-a-kid information home in homework folders today (8-27-18).  I didn't get the papers until Friday afternoon and didn't see them in my mailbox until dismissal was over, otherwise, I would have sent them home on Friday.  There is a quick turn around for students to get this information back if you want them to participate.  Only children who turn in the form and payment will be photographed.  

Please let me know by email if you wish to volunteer at the Walk-a-thon by Tuesday.

anne simmons

Dates to remember:

8-27-18 Picture day

8-30-18 Ident-a-kid
8-31-18 Walk a thon
9-17-18 Cogat testing
9-18-18 Cogat testing
9-19-18 Cogat testing
9-28-18 Early Release

Friday, August 24, 2018

Dear Parents,

Today I sent home some assessments the students took at the end of our last track in.  I wanted to assure you that while some of the grades may appear to be a bit shocking on their EL reading assessment I explained to them that this is a slightly different way of grading in third grade.  We are closely looking at each individual standard in the questions and some of the standards only had one question for the students to show proficiency.  This makes it difficult for us to determine if they have mastered that skill with just one assessment.  Please know that we give many more opportunities throughout the quarter on those standards for the students to pass.  The EL program that Wake County implemented last year is a higher rigor than what most students are used to but with encouragement and perseverance they can achieve success.  

Thank you and have a great weekend.

anne simmons

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Walk-a-thon is coming soon!

August 31st we will be walking on the track in the morning.  If you are a registered volunteer and you would like to come that day to help out, please email me and let me know.

Thanks so much! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Welcome Back Parents and Students,

I hope everyone had a wonderful track out.  It sounds like many families had some quality time enjoying their summer track out.

We had a gentle start to our track in Monday but we will be picking up speed soon.  We have several events coming in the next few weeks so please be sure to mark your calendars so you won't miss anything.

Dates to remember:

8-27-18 Picture day
8-31-18 Walk a thon
9-17-18 Cogat testing
9-18-18 Cogat testing
9-19-18 Cogat testing
9-28-18 Early Release

anne simmons

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Dear Parents and students,

My apologies for not updating my blog to let you know that I cancelled homework on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Things got a little busy this week with BOGs and packing up to track out that it slipped my mind at the end of the day to update my blog.  I am normally much better about keeping up with it as it is not a common thing to cancel.  I appreciate you checking the blog and keeping up with homework on such a busy week of school.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun track out.  

Anne Simmons

Thursday, July 19, 2018


 Thank you all for coming last night.  Here are some of the links from last night's open house that you may find helpful.

BYOD Information link

ELA Information link
Expeditionary Learning
Information about our school's annual fundraiser, the Brassfield Walkathon, will be sent in your child's Wednesday folder this week (Tracks 1 & 3).  This is our school's only fundraiser and supports many important programs at our school. The walkathon will be held Friday, August 31 for Tracks 1 & 3 (rain date: Tuesday, September 4) and Friday, September 21 for tracks 2 & 4 (rain date: Monday, September 24).  Contact Kelly Schoch if you have questions (

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

BYOD information
Information about our school's annual fundraiser, the Brassfield Walkathon, will be sent in your child's Wednesday folder this week (Tracks 1 & 3).  This is our school's only fundraiser and supports many important programs at our school. The walkathon will be held Friday, August 31 for Tracks 1 & 3 (rain date: Tuesday, September 4) and Friday, September 21 for tracks 2 & 4 (rain date: Monday, September 24).  Contact Kelly Schoch if you have questions (

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Calling all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students that enjoy running and would like to prepare for a race (1 mile, 2 mile, or 5k). You should join the Brassfield running club!   During our weekly runs, we will work on building endurance and speed while fostering a love of running.  The club will begin on Wednesday, 8/29/18 and will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45.  Our last running club will be Wednesday, 11/7/18. Runners are welcomed to attend running club over their track out if someone is available to drop them off at the track, sign in with a coach, and pick them up at the carpool loop after practice as usual. The runners must be picked up promptly at 4:45 in the carpool parking loop.  We expect that all students participating in our running club will exhibit PAWS behavior. Runners will receive one warning for poor behavior choices. After the one warning, runners who are continuing to make poor behavior choices will be asked to leave the club.  If you have questions, feel free to contact Libby Lipetzky (  Happy Running!

*Reminder: This form must be completed each season.  If your child participated in the spring, you must still complete this form in order for him/her to participate this fall.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Welcome new parents and students,

I am thrilled with this new class of students and I look forward to a great year ahead.  I few things to note before Open House.
- Thank you for all the supplies you have graciously prepared your student with for success this year.
-Wednesday folder will come home a few times this week as needed.  Ask your student if you need to sign any papers to return.
- BYOD begins for your student in 3rd grade.  Please try the link to view the slides about BYOD as a family to help you decide if you want your child to participate.  
Important dates to remember.
1.  Open House is July 18th
2.  BOGs are July 24th
3.  Track out day is July 26th

Anne Simmons

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Mrs. Simmons 2017-2018

PSA & Multiplication   Ice Cream Celebration

Students will be presenting their Public Service Announcements and celebrating their mulitplication challenge on Tuesday, June 26th, 2018 at 2:00 in room #303 at Brassfield Elementary.  Please  join us for our live launch of our PSA and share some ice cream with us as we celebrate our hard work.
Date: 06/26/2018 (Tue.)
Time: 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Location: Brassfield Elementary room #303
Click on the link to donate on SignUpGenius 

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Dear Parents,

The year is quickly flying by! This means our EOG standardized tests are coming up.

Please take a moment to write two encouraging messages/notes to your child.
- they will read each note before testing on the EOG dates
- write one for math
- write one for reading
- put them in sealed envelopes addressed to me by June 15th
- I will make sure they get their letters each day
- this is a secret!!!! Do NOT tell your child what you are doing.

Thank you for you help and support.

EOG Dates:

Reading 6-18-2018
Math 6-19-2018

Also, we will be announcing a Public Service Announcement Launch
date very shortly so stay tuned!

Anne Simmons

Monday, June 11, 2018

Dear Parents,
The year is quickly flying by! This means our EOG standardized test is coming up. Please take a moment to write two encouraging messages/notes to your child to read before the reading EOG and the math EOG. Please return these messages/notes in a sealed envelope addressed to me by June 15th, and I will give them to your child each day. This is a secret, so do not tell your child you are writing him/her letters. Thank you for your help and support!
Our class has been preparing for this and working hard to do our best on these tests. We can make your child’s test experience positive and successful by working together. I ask you to take the time to do these little things and help your child reach his/her fullest potential:
  • Talk with your child about goals for this test.
  • Make sure your child gets a good night’s rest.
  • Have your child eat a healthy breakfast at home.
  • Make sure your child arrives at school with plenty of time to prepare for the test (rushing around never makes for a calm child!)
  • Gently encourage your child to do his/her best and show your faith in him/her!


Mrs. Simmons

Monday, June 4, 2018


Please allow your student some time this week and next week to review 3rd grade content for upcoming EOGs.  We are busy still learning our curriculum and will have limited time for review this year.  If you can find the time, I have created assignments on two websites that they should be able to log in easily and practice.  This is considered part of their homework but can be done anytime by the end of the week.

Readworks assignments

How to get students to their assignments

1. Have students go to
2. Students should sign in with their Google account.
3. Students enter class code 325MJG

Math website for assignments 

class code: 0334
password: 0334
username: (email me if they forgot it)

Thank you for all your support this year.

Anne Simmons

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Dear Parents,

It has been an exciting 3rd quarter and beginning to 4th quarter.  Hopefully you have seen my Sign Up Genius for conferences.  They are not required but I like to offer them in case anyone has questions or concerns at this point in the school year. 

The next couple of weeks will be busy.  We are having class pictures, our last field trip,  and super kids day.  Not to mention all the fun learning about fractions, research about water in EL, and finishing up our Science unit on water forms and landforms.  Please make sure your child can attend school when at all possible.  

EOG dates have been announced and you should make sure your family is planning on being in school for those dates.   If your child is absent or tardy they will need to take the test on a make up day.  It is easier on the child to take it with everyone else.

Please make sure your child is practicing their multiplication facts.  I have promised them an ice cream party with toppings when everyone finishes the tables from 1-12.  They need to be proficient in each times test by passing 20/22 questions in 1 minute.  They are typically given 2 opportunities a week to pass one of the tables.  My goal is that the entire class pass every times test before the party.  We will plan the party for sometime at the end of June.  I like to have it at the end of the year after EOG's are completed.  The date will be announced after we track back in sometime in May.

Important dates:
Class Pictures 3/4
Motion Commotion field trip 3/4
Super Kids Day 3/6
Reading EOG 6/18
Math EOG     6/19

anne simmons

Monday, March 5, 2018

Calling all runners!  Running club is starting soon.  Click the link below if your child is interested in joining for the Spring!

Monday, February 12, 2018

Thank You All!!!

I now have plenty of bags for Valentines and quite a few stickers to decorate them.  I will make sure the kids have time Tuesday to get their bags ready for Wednesday.  If you would like to send in the Valentine's early you are welcome to do so.  I will have a place in the classroom to hold on to them.

I appreciate all the donations.  

anne simmons

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Saturday make-up days are:
  • February 10th (for Jan 18th)
  • March 24th (for Jan 20th ...which was for Jan 4th)
  • April 7th (for Jan 5th)
  • April 14th (for Jan 17th)

  • School hours are 9:15 to 12:45 (carpool begins at 8:45 and ends at 1:10)
  • Busses run normal routes
  • No YMCA Before or After care
  • No Breakfast or lunch served by the cafeteria - students should bring a lunch/heavy snack

Brassfield Families!

We are excited to see you at Literacy Night TONIGHT in the Learning Commons from 5:30-6:30. 

If you would like assistance in finding a good fit book for your child, have ever wondered what type of mclass questions your child is responsible for answering, or have questions about technology applications that we use here at Brassfield....then this night is for you!

Don't forget to have every child in the family (regardless of age) bring a used book for "Leave a Book, Take a Book"!

Hola padres! 

The students in 3rd  & 5th grade have been learning how to order at a restaurant in Spanish class this quarter. It is time to put their skills to the test! You are invited to our Brassfield Spanish Night at El Tapatio of Falls of Neuse Road on Thursday, March 1st anytime between 5:30-8:00pm to dine with your family, and have your 3rd/5th grader order in Spanish! They are encouraged to share their vocabulary with you at home so the whole family can enjoy using Spanish at the restaurant! See this link to practice at home: look forward to seeing you there! 

***Families will be responsible for paying for their own meals. 

I am so proud of the kids for their hard work this quarter, and I thought this would be a fun way to get them out in the community to use their new vocabulary, and to share this experience with you! Please let us know if you THINK your family might be able to dine at El Tapatio on March 1st so that we can give the restaurant a general number of what to expect. 

Senora Lipetzky

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Calling all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students that enjoy running and would like to prepare for a race (1 mile, 2 mile, or 5k). You should join the Brassfield running club!   During our weekly runs, we will work on building endurance and speed while fostering a love of running.  The club will begin on Wednesday, March 14th, and will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45.  Our last running club will be Wednesday, May 23rd. Students are welcomed to attend running club over their track out if someone is available to drop them off at the track, sign in with a coach, and pick them up at the carpool loop after practice as usual. The runners must be picked up promptly at 4:45 in the carpool parking loop.  We expect that all students participating in our running club with exhibit PAWS behavior. Runners will receive one warning for poor behavior choices. After the one warning, runners who are continuing to make poor behavior choices will be asked to leave the club.  If you have questions, feel free to contact Libby Lipetzky (  Happy Running!

*Reminder: This form must be completed each season.  If your child participated in the fall, you must still complete this form in order for him/her to participate this spring.
*Sign Ups will close on March 13th, 2018 at 3:30pm. We will not be able to accept any late sign ups this season.
*Please make sure to read all information about t-shirts in the sign up! We will not be able to accept any late payments this season.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hola padres! 

The students in 3rd  & 5th grade have been learning how to order at a restaurant in Spanish class this quarter. It is time to put their skills to the test! You are invited to our Brassfield Spanish Night at El Tapatio of Falls of Neuse Road on Thursday, March 1st anytime between 5:30-8:00pm to dine with your family, and have your 3rd/5th grader order in Spanish! They are encouraged to share their vocabulary with you at home so the whole family can enjoy using Spanish at the restaurant! See this link to practice at home: look forward to seeing you there! 

***Families will be responsible for paying for their own meals. 

I am so proud of the kids for their hard work this quarter, and I thought this would be a fun way to get them out in the community to use their new vocabulary, and to share this experience with you! Please let us know if you THINK your family might be able to dine at El Tapatio on March 1st so that we can give the restaurant a general number of what to expect. 

Senora Lipetzky

Monday, January 15, 2018

Good morning!

The students in Mrs. Simmons' class are learning all about food this quarter in Spanish class! Please see this link: to practice their food vocabulary at home over track out!

Senora Lipetzky