
Homework week of June 10

Reading Homework
Monday - IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes 
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 6 Elapsed Time Practice/Dreambox
Tuesday - Lesson 7 Elapsed Time Journal Prompt/Dreambox
Wednesday - Assessment/Dreambox
Thursday - Practice EOG/Dreambox
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of June 3

Reading Homework
Monday - IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  IXL.com or Read for 20 minutes 
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 1 Homework Create a Clock
Tuesday - Lesson 2 Telling Time Journal Prompt
Wednesday - Lesson 3 Keeping Time in Historical Boston
Thursday - Lesson 4 Importance of Elapsed Time HWc
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of May 28

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes 
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - No School
Tuesday - Lesson 10

Wednesday - Lesson 11
Thursday - Lesson 12
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of May 20

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes 
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 6 Letter to parents
Tuesday - Lesson 7 Gallon Bot
Wednesday - Lesson 8 Solving Measurement
Thursday - Lesson 9  Word Problem Homework
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of May 13

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes and Language Dive Practice: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes and Language Dive Practice: Model Opinion Essay
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 2 Estimate and Measure HW
Tuesday - Lesson 3 Estimate and Measuring in Feet
Wednesday - Lesson 4 Measuring Journal Prompt
Thursday - Lesson 5 Length Word Problem Homework
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of April 15

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes  
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes regularly over track out
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 27  Distances Swam
Tuesday - Lesson 28 Comparing Fractions Problems

Wednesday - Lesson 29 Practice Worksheet
Thursday - Assessment/No Homework
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of April 8

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes and Language Dive Adjectives
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes  and Language Dive Verbs
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes and Language Dive Adverbs
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 22 Reflecting on Comparing Fractions HW
Tuesday - Lesson 23 Comparisons Journal Prompt

Wednesday - Lesson 24 Comparing Fractions on a Number Line
Thursday - Lesson 25 Exit Ticket
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of March 25

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes and Possessive Nouns
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes and Dialogue Quotation Marks
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 13 Discovering Equivalency Homework
Tuesday - Lesson 14  Pizza Exchange Homework

Wednesday - Lesson 15 Pizza Exchange (part 2) Homework
Thursday - Lesson 16  Practice Equivalency Homework
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of March 18

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes and Punctuating Dialogue Practice
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes and Possessive or Plural?
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 10
Tuesday - Assessment/no homework
Wednesday - Lesson 11
Thursday - Lesson 12
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of March 11

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes and Capitalizing Appropriate Words in Titles
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes  and Language Dive I / Possessives Practice 
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 5 "Geoboard Fractions Homework"

Tuesday - Lesson 6  "Fractions With Pattern Blocks"
Wednesday - Lesson 7  "Building with Unit Fractions HW"
Thursday - Lesson 8 "Making Sense of Fractions"
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of March 4

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes  
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Assessment/no homework

Tuesday - Lesson 1 "3 Act Task Reflection"
Wednesday - Lesson 2 "Unit Fractions"
Thursday - Lesson 3 "Journal Reflection Homework"
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of February 25

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes and Recommending Peter Pan
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes  
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 6

Tuesday - Lesson 7
Wednesday - Lesson 8
Thursday - Lesson 9
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of February 18

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes and Language Dive I: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Practice
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes  Language Dive II: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens Practice
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 1 Reflecting on Area

Tuesday - Lesson 2 Designer Dilemmas
Wednesday - Lesson 3 Making Connections
Thursday - Lesson 4 Mowing Lawns Homework
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of January 22

Reading Homework
Monday - Holiday/No School
Tuesday - Listen and read Martin's Big Words the complete the Quote from the book
Wednesday  Listen and read Martin's Big Words the complete the interview about his dream for the country.
Thursday -  Listen and read Martin's Big Words the complete the Character Trait with Evidence worksheet
Friday - No Homework/Happy Track Out!

Math Homework
Monday - Holiday/No School
Tuesday - Lesson 8 Composing Triangles and Quadrilaterals
Wednesday - Lesson 9 Decomposing Quadrilaterals
Thursday - NC Check In assessment/No Homework
Friday - No Homework/Happy Track Out!

Martin's Big Words

Homework week of January 14

Reading Homework
Monday - Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes 
Tuesday - Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes
Wednesday  Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 3 List It Homework

Tuesday - Lesson 4 Shape It Homework
Wednesday - Lesson 5 Comparing Quadrilaterals
Thursday - Lesson 6 Draw the Shape Homework
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of January 7

Reading Homework
Monday -  Find your favorite storybook classic from home to bring to school on Tuesday
Tuesday - Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes
Wednesday  Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes
Thursday -  Read a chapter book (fiction) for 20 minutes
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 25 Putting It All Together Homework

Tuesday - Lesson 26  Homework Practice
Wednesday - Assessment/No homework
Thursday - Lesson 1 Geometry
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of January 2

Reading Homework
Monday -  No School
Tuesday - No School
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes about frogs 
Compound Sentences Worksheet and Writing Complex Sentences Worksheet
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs 
Simple, Compound and Complex Sentence Worksheet
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - No School
Tuesday - No School
Wednesday - Lesson 22 Problems to Ponder Homework
Thursday - Lesson 23 Who Understands? Journal Prompt
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of December 17

Reading Homework
Monday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs and record on your stamina chart
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes about frogs 
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs and record on your stamina chart
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Arrays practice

Tuesday - Assessment/no homework
Wednesday - Lesson 20 Two Step Story Problems Homework
Thursday - Lesson 21 Homework Proof
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of December 10

Reading Homework
Monday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs 
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes about frogs and Grinch writing
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Friday  Read for 20 minutes about frogs and record on your stamina chart
Saturday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson   Snow day

Tuesday - Lesson    Snow day
Wednesday - Lesson 15 Fluency with 9s Homework
Thursday - Lesson 16  More Practice with 9s Homework
Friday - Lesson 17  Fluency with 0s and 1s Homework
Saturday - No Homework

Homework week of December 3

Reading Homework
Monday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart.
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Irregular Verb Practice sheet
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Past Tense Verb Match
Writing Prompt response
Thursday -  Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Irregular Past Participle Verbs practice sheet
Friday  no homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 10  Multiplication and Division Homework
Tuesday - Lesson 11 Fluency with 7s Homework
Wednesday - Lesson 12  More Practice with 7s Homework
Thursday - Lesson 13  Fluency with 8s Homework
Friday - no homework

Homework Week of November 26

Reading Homework
Monday Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart.
Have a conversation about Frogs with an adult (see questions below).
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Regular Verb Practice sheet
Wednesday  Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Regular Verb Practice sheet
Thursday Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and record on your stamina chart
Regular verb practice sheet
Friday  no homework

Questions for Monday Homework 
1. Where do amphibians live?
2. What are some differences between amphibians and reptiles?
3. What makes amphibians unique?
4. How is water necessary for amphibians to survive?

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 7 Fluency with 3s and 6s Homework
Tuesday - Lesson 8 More Practice with 3s and 6s
Wednesday - cancelled due to field trip
Thursday - assessment no homework
Fridayno homework

Week of November 19

Monday - Read for 20 minutes and record on your stamina chart
               -Math Lesson 5 Journal Prompt

Tuesday - no homework

Homework Week of November 13-16

Reading Homework (see link below for Fluency passage)
Students can also practice their fluency passage as part of their reading homework.

Monday - No School
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and respond to a Reading prompt
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic and Comparative and Superlative Adverbs
Friday -  no homework

Math Homework
Monday - no school
Tuesday - Lesson 1 Multiplication Strategies Homework
Wednesday - Lesson 2 The Meaning of Factors Homework
Thursday - Lesson 3 Reflection Homework
Friday - no homework

Bullfrog on Magnolia Circle

Unit 1: Reading Literary Texts: Overcoming Learning Challenges—School and Education Common Core State Standards addressed: RL.3.1, RL.3.2, RL.3.3, RL.3.4, RL.3.10, SL.3.1a, SL.3.1b, SL.3.1c, SL.3.3, SL.3.6, and L.3.4 

Guiding Questions and Big Ideas 
■ Why are education, books, and reading important? 
■ Education, books, and reading are important because they help us learn about and make sense of the world, and escape into the lives of other people and other worlds. 
Please note: The guiding question and big idea are framed in the context that education, books, and reading are important for college and career readiness. 

What will your student be doing at school? 
In this unit, students read literary texts about children who face challenges with access to school and education and how they overcome those challenges. 

As a class, they read Waiting for the Biblioburro by Monica Brown, Rain School by James Rumford, and Nasreen’s Secret School by Jeanette Winter to analyze the challenges the main characters face with access to school and education and how those challenges are overcome. They determine the central message or lesson of each story and how it is conveyed through details in the text. 

Working to become an ethical person is a habit of character that is emphasized in this unit. These are the specific effective learning skills students will focus on: 
■ I show empathy. This means I understand and I share or take into account the feelings, situation, or attitude of others. 
■ I behave with integrity. This means I am honest and do the right thing, even when it’s difficult, because it is the right thing to do. 
■ I show respect. This means I appreciate the abilities, qualities, and achievements of others and treat myself, others, and the environment with care. 
■ I show compassion. This means I notice when others are sad or upset and try to help them.

Homework Week of October 15

Reading Homework (see link below for Fluency passage)
Students can also practice their fluency passage as part of their reading homework.

Monday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic or book
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic or book  
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic or book
Friday -  no homework/Happy Track out

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson   Lesson 19
Tuesday - Math assessment/no homework
Wednesday - NC check in assessment/ no homework
Thursday - no homework
Friday - no homework

Homework Week of October 8

Reading Homework (see links below for Fluency books)
Monday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic or book
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic or book  
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes about frogs on Epic or book
Friday -  no homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson   Rounding Worksheet
Tuesday - Lesson 16
Wednesday - Lesson 17 
Thursday - Lesson 18
Friday - no homework

Homework Week of October 2

Reading Homework (see links below for Fluency books)
Monday - Read for 20 minutes and practice reading fluency pages.
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes and Sign up for Readvolution 
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes 
Friday -  no homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 11 Rounding the the Nearest Ten WS
Tuesday - Lesson 12 "Estimate, solve, Share, Compare"
Wednesday - Lesson 13 
Thursday - Lesson 14 "Show What You Know"
Friday - no homework

Nasreen's Secret School

Rain School  

Homework Week of September 24

Reading Homework (see links below for Fluency books)
Monday - Read for 20 minutes and practice reading fluency pages.
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes and practice reading fluency pages.
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes and Reading Fluency practice at home.
Friday -  no homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 7 "Addition Using a Number Line"
Tuesday - Lesson 8 "Subtraction Story solving on a Number Line"
Wednesday - Lesson 9 "Inverse Operations"
Thursday - Assessment/No homework
Friday - no homework

Homework Week of September 17

Reading Homework (see links below for Fluency books)
Monday - no school
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes and Reading Fluency practice at home.
Friday - Read for 20 minutes and Reading Fluency practice at home.
Saturday- no homework

Math Homework
Monday - no school
Tuesday - Lesson 2 "Place Value Proof Package"
Wednesday - Lesson 3
Thursday - Lesson 4
Friday - Lesson 5
Saturday - no homework

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 20 minutes and Language Dive More Than Anything Else.
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes and Reading Fluency practice at home.
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 5 "Graph Homework day 2 of 2"

Tuesday - Assessment/no homework
Wednesday - Lesson 1 "Place Value Party Package"
Thursday - Lesson 2 "Place Value Proof Package"
Friday - No Homework

Reading Homework
Monday - No School
Tuesday - Read for 20 minutes 
Wednesday - Read for 20 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 20 minutes
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - No School
Tuesday - Lesson 1“Picture Graph Homework”
Wednesday - Lesson 2  “Bar Graph Homework”
Thursday - Lesson 3 “Creating Graphs Homework”
Friday - No Homework

Reading Homework
Monday - Read for 15 minutes
Tuesday - Read for 15 minutes and find a favorite book from home to bring to school on Wednesday
Wednesday - Read for 15 minutes and respond to a Reading prompt
Thursday - Read for 15 minutes
Friday - No Homework

Math Homework
Monday - Lesson 10 "Multiplication and Arrays Hurray!"
Tuesday - Lesson 11 "Array, Array, Array"
Wednesday - Lesson 12 Writing Related Facts
Thursday - Lesson 13 "Equal Groups Drawing for Facts of 10"
Friday - No Homework

Homework week of July 23

Monday -  Guide Words I (Dictionary Skills)
Tuesday - Guide Words II (Dictionary Skills)(cancelled)
Wednesday -  Dictionary Mysteries (cancelled)
Thursday - No Homework
Friday -  NO SCHOOL

Monday - Lesson 9 Multiplication Practice Homework
Tuesday - Lesson 10 Multiplication and Arrays Hurray (cancelled)
Wednesday - Lesson 11 Array Array Array (cancelled)
Thursday - No homework
Friday - NO SCHOOL

Homework the week of July 16th

Monday -  Read for 15 minutes
Tuesday -  Affixes Practice II / Read  for 15 minutes
Wednesday-  Read for 15 minutes
Thursday -  Read for 15 minutes
Friday - No homework

Monday - Lesson 5 Neighborhood Picnic
Tuesday - Lesson 6 Hooray for Arrays
Wednesday -Lesson 7 Multiplication and Arrays Homework
Thursday - Assessment / No homework
Friday - No homework

Homework the week of July 9th

Monday - none
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - none
Thursday - none
Friday - none

Monday - none
Tuesday - none
Wednesday - none
Thursday - Lesson 3 In the Can Aisle
Friday - none

Readworks assignments

How to get students to their assignments

1.  Have students go to www.readworks.org/student
2. Students should sign in with their Google account.
3. Students enter class code 325MJG

Math website for assignments 
class code: 0334
password: 0334
username: (email me if they forgot it)
Homework week of June 11th

Reading homework
Do assignments on Readworks every night

Math homework
Do assignments given in class
and assignments on iknowit.com every night.

Homework week of June 4th
Monday - Free choice reading/prompt
Tuesday - Free choice reading/prompt
Wednesday - Free choice reading/prompt
Thursday - Free choice reading/prompt
Friday - no homework

Monday - Lesson 1 Telling Time Journal Prompt
Tuesday - Lesson 2 Exploring Elapsed Time Journal Prompt
Wednesday - Lesson 3 Elapsed Time with Number Lines JP
Thursday - Lesson 4 How Much Time?
Friday - no homework

Module 4
Guiding Questions and Big Ideas Why are the world’s freshwater sources threatened?

What will your student be doing at school? In Unit 1, students read carefully selected pages from the anchor text, One Well: The Story of Water on Earth to build background knowledge about where freshwater comes from and about the three issues that the book describes: access to water, demands on water, and water pollution. Students begin by hearing pages of the book read aloud to determine the main ideas and supporting details of a read-aloud. They also reread the pages to analyze the illustrations and answer vocabulary and text-dependent questions. For the mid-unit assessment, students listen to new pages of One Well read aloud to determine the main idea and supporting details before rereading the text to answer text-dependent questions. In the second half of the unit, students read pages of One Well paired with additional complex informational texts to compare the main ideas and supporting details of both texts. For the end of unit assessment, students read a new informational text to determine the main ideas and supporting details before comparing it to pages of One Well. Working to become an effective learner is a habit of character that is emphasized in this unit. Students take responsibility for identifying habits of character they feel will best serve them in the work they do. The Language standards that students will focus on in this unit require them to: ■ L.3.1a: Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences.

Consider using the following independent reading prompts*: • What is the main idea of the text? What are some of the key details, and how do they support the main idea? • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you? How do they help you to understand the words? • What questions do you now have after reading? What would you like to learn more about? Why? • What are the most important facts you learned from reading? • What is the most interesting fact you learned today? Why? • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons? • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:

How can you support your student at home? ■ Watch video PSAs online (a Google search will yield many examples; however, review before watching with students to ensure appropriate content) and discuss the target audience and why they are/aren’t effective. ■ Research and discuss water issues, particularly local water issues. ■ Consider measuring how much water is being used at home. For example: http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/freshwater/change-the-course/ water-footprint-calculator/ ■ Practice identifying parts of speech in a text, e.g., identifying a noun in a text and then describing the function of that particular noun.

Consider using the following independent reading prompts*: • What is the main idea of the text? What are some of the key details, and how do they support the main idea? • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you? How do they help you understand the words? • What questions do you now have after reading? What would you like to learn more about? Why? • What does the text tell you about the importance of water? • What are the most important facts you learned from reading? • What is the most interesting fact you learned today? Why? • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons? • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:

Homework week of May 29th

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - Plural Nouns III
Wednesday - Plural Nouns IV
Thursday -Free choice reading/prompt
Friday - no homework

Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - lesson 9 JP Create Your Own Garden
Wednesday - assessment/no homework
Thursday - lesson 6-7
Friday - no homework
May 21st


Monday- Language Dive Practice: Model Opinion Essay
Tuesday-Research reading prompt
Wednesday-Plural nouns I
Thursday- Plural nouns II
Friday- No Homework


Monday- Assessment/no homework
Tuesday- Lesson 1 Journal Prompt: Pattern Block Relationships
Wednesday-Lesson 2 Journal Prompt: The Value of My Creature
Thursday- Lesson 3 Journal Prompt: Paper Quilts Day One
Friday- no homework

Homework week of May 14th
Monday- Research reading prompt
Tuesday- Language Dive Practice: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind
Wednesday- No school
Thursday- Research reading prompt
Friday- No homework

Monday- Lesson 4
Tuesday- Lesson 5 Proving Fraction Comparisons HW
Wednesday- No school
Thursday- Comparing Fractions Strategies Journal Prompt
Friday- No Homework
Homework week of April 16
Monday- Read for stamina 12 and then 8 minutes for a total of 20 minutes
Tuesday- Read for stamina 14 and then for 10 minutes
Wednesday- Practice reading for stamina every day over track out.
Thursday- No school
Friday- No school

Monday- Lesson 1 Comparing Fractions Journal Prompt
Tuesday- Lesson 2 Compare me!
Wednesday Practice multiplication facts over track out.
Thursday- No school
Friday- No school

Homework week of April 9 - 13
Monday-Language Dive Practice: Verbs
Tuesday-Language Dive Practice: Adverbs
Wednesday-Research Reading Prompt(book on water)
Thursday-Research Reading Prompt
Friday-Assessment / No homework

Monday-Lesson 5 Prove It! Journal Prompt
Tuesday-Lesson 6 Equivalent or Not? Homework
Wednesday- Lesson 7 Fraction Fact or Fib
Thursday- Lesson 8
Friday-Assessment / No homework
Reading Homework week of April 2
Monday -Language Dive Practice: Nouns
Tuesday - Language Dive Practice: Pronouns
Wednesday- Research reading prompt
Thursday- Language Dive Adjectives
Friday - no homework

Math Homework week of April 2
Monday- Lesson 2 Whole Numbers as Fractions HW
Tuesday- Lesson 3 Visual Models of Equivalent Fractions
Wednesday- Lesson 4 Journal Pizza Prompt - HW
Thursday- Lesson 5 Prove It! Journal Prompt
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework week of 3/26
Monday - Reading Fluency practice
Tuesday - Assessment/No Homework
Wednesday - Read and reflect on the module guiding question.
Thursday -no homework
Friday - no school

Math Homework week of 3/26
Monday - Lesson 9 Finding a point on the Number Line
Tuesday - Lesson 10 Fractions on a Number Line Homework
Wednesday - Assessment/No Homework
Thursday - No homework
Friday - no school

Module 3
How do writers capture a reader’s imagination? ■ Authors show, not tell, how a character feels through dialogue and description. ■ Authors choose words and phrases for effect to help readers imagine they are in the story. What can we learn from reading literary classics? ■ Literary classics are told in different ways over time. ■ Literary classics can show how things have changed since the time they were written. What will your student be doing at school? In Unit 3, students revise a scene from Peter Pan and then prepare a presentation explaining how and why they revised that scene. After selecting a scene to revise, they map out the original scene on a Narrative Planning graphic organizer. They then determine which parts of the scene to revise that won’t change the outcome. Students then draft their revised scene before revising dialogue and description, possessives, word and phrase choice, and temporal words and phrases. For the mid-unit assessment, students revise a new scene from Peter Pan, following a completed narrative planning organizer. In the second half of the unit, students prepare a presentation explaining how and why they chose to revise their scene. They prepare prompt cards for their presentation and practice using the cards to present. Students also practice reading new excerpts of text aloud for fluency, in preparation for reading their revised scene aloud in the performance task presentation, and also in preparation for the end of unit assessment, during which they read a new text aloud for fluency. For the performance task, students deliver their presentations for an audience. The Language standards that students will focus on in this unit (L.3.2a, L.3.2c, L.3.2d, L.3.3a) require them to: ■ Capitalize appropriate words in titles ■ Use commas and quotation marks in dialogue ■ Form and use possessives Working to become an effective learner is a habit of character that is emphasized in this unit. Students practice collaboration as they work with others to plan their revised scenes, and perseverance as they write their drafts and read unfamiliar texts.
Students are provided with the following guidance for capitalizing words in titles: ■ Capitalize the first word of the title. ■ Capitalize all “major” words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns). ■ Capitalize the second part of hyphenated major words (for example, Self-Report, not Self-report). ■ Capitalize all words of four letters or more. Writing Dialogue L.3.2d Students are provided with the following guidance for writing dialogue: ■ Quotation marks around the actual words the characters said ■ Comma at the end of speech when the narrator is going to finish the sentence ■ Comma before speech to show speech is coming
How can you support your student at home? ■ Talk to your student about the texts he or she is reading in the classroom, particularly if any of the topics raised might be sensitive for your child. ■ Read narrative texts and talk to your student about how the author has shown rather than told character feelings through dialogue and description of their thoughts and actions, and also about the words and phrases the author has used for effect. ■ Read literary classics and stories, including those from home countries. Talk to your student about how things have changed since they were written and what this tells us about how things were then.
Unit 3: Homework In this unit, homework for Lessons 1–7 focuses on practicing language skills. Lessons 8–10 focus on practicing reading aloud fluently and presentation practice. Research reading: Your student is expected to independently research the topic by reading topic-related books of his or her choice for approximately 20 minutes each day and responding to a prompt of choice in the front of the independent reading journal. These are usually books your student will bring home from school; however, they may be topic-related books chosen by the student at the public or home library. Prompts for independent reading can be found in the homework materials provided. Exploring Literary Classics Unit 3: Homework Choice reading: If your student would also like to independently read and respond to a book of free choice, he or she may use the back of the independent reading journal. Prompts for independent reading can be found in the homework materials provided.
Vocabulary logs: ■ In the front, students record new academic vocabulary, or words you might find in informational texts on many different topics. For example, the words challenges, questions, and explain could be found in books on any topic. ■ In the back, students record new topical vocabulary, or words about a particular topic. For example, the words character, setting, and theme would be found on the topic of literary classics

Reading homework week of 3/19
Monday- Punctuating Dialogue Practice
Tuesday- Language Dive II
Wednesday- Research Reading Prompt
Thursday- Reading Fluency practice
Friday- Research Reading Prompt
Saturday- No homework

Math homework week of 3/19
Monday- Lesson 5 Using Unit Fractions HW
Tuesday- Lesson 6 Measuring and Labeling Unit Fractions on a Number Line
Wednesday- Lesson 7 Particular Partitioning HW
Thursday- Lesson 8 Practice Partitioning Number Lines
Friday- cancelled homework
Saturday- No homework
Reading homework week of 3/12
Monday- Research Reading Prompt
Tuesday- Capitalizing Appropriate Words in Titles
Wednesday- Language Dive I: Model Narrative: Possessives Practice
Thursday- Research Reading Prompt
Friday- no homework

Math homework week of 3/12
Monday- no homework/early dismissal
Tuesday- Lesson 1 Ben's Backyard
Wednesday- Lesson 2 Naming Numerators and Denominators
Thursday- Lesson 3 Making a Scarf
Friday- No homework
Reading Homework week of 3/5
Monday- Language Dive 1: Model Book Review
Tuesday- Language Dive II: Model Book Review
Wednesday- Research Reading Prompt
Thursday- Assessment/No homework
Friday- no homework

Math Homework week of 3/5
Monday- Lesson 18 Hotels Journal Prompt
Tuesday- Lesson 19 Horsing Around Journal Prompt
Wednesday- TBD
Thursday- TBD
Friday- Assessment/no homework

Reading Homework resources for Q3
Guiding questions:
How do writers capture a reader’s imagination? ■ Authors show—not—tell how a character feels through dialogue and description. ■ Authors choose words and phrases for effect to help readers imagine they are in the story. What can we learn from reading literary classics? ■ Literary classics are told in different ways over time. ■ Literary classics can show how things have changed since the time they were written.

What will your student be doing at school? In this unit, students begin reading a retold version of the literary classic Peter Pan1 *to build their understanding of how the historical context of a literary classic can have an impact on the content and also to analyze how writers develop characters to capture a reader’s imagination. In the first half of the unit, students read an informational text to build background knowledge about the author, J.M. Barrie, and some of the relevant aspects of society in Great Britain at the time the novel was written. Students then focus on analyzing how the events in each chapter build on what came before, and they consider how the illustrations in the first four chapters of Peter Pan contribute to the meaning of the text. After reading each chapter, students make connections between the historical context and the content of the chapter.
How can you support your student at home? ■ Talk to your student about the guiding questions, particularly if any of the topics raised might be sensitive for your student. ■ Talk to your student about the texts he or she is reading in the classroom, particularly if any of the topics raised might be sensitive for your student. ■ Read narrative texts and talk to your student about how the author has developed the characters by analyzing the traits, actions, and point of view of the characters and comparing the point of view of the characters to the point of view of the reader. Consider asking: “What did you think and feel as you were reading?” “Do you agree with his point of view? Why/why not?” ■ Read narrative chapter texts and talk to your student about how each chapter builds on the events in the previous chapters. ■ Read literary classics and stories, including those from home countries. Talk to your student about how things have changed since they were written and what this tells us about how things were then.

Consider using the following independent reading prompts*: • What is the main idea of the text? What are some of the key details, and how do they support the main idea? • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you? How do they help you to understand the words? • What questions do you now have after reading? What would you like to learn more about? Why? • What are the most important facts you learned from reading? • What is the most interesting fact you learned today? Why? • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons? • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:

Reading homework week of 2/26 - 3/2
Monday - Recommending Peter Pan
Tuesday - Research Reading prompt
Wednesday - Research Reading Prompt
Thursday -Research Reading prompt
Friday - no homework
Math homework week of 2/26 - 3/2
Monday - Day 14 Homework Drawing Figures
Tuesday - Learning Experience/no homework
Wednesday - Day 15 Vegetable Garden Homework
Thursday - Day 16 Drawing Rectangles
Friday - No homework

Reading homework week of 2-19
Monday - Language Dive III Homework
Tuesday - Language Dive I: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Wednesday - Research Reading Prompt
Thursday -Language Dive II: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens
Friday - no homework
Math homework week of 2-19
Monday - Day 9 Junior Architects Day 1 Journal Prompt
Tuesday - Day 10 Emily's Garden
Wednesday - Day 11 Dog Park Journal Prompt
Thursday - Day 12 City Garden Homework
Friday - No homework
Math Homework week of February 12
Monday- Lesson 6 Distributive Property Journal Prompt
Tuesday- Lesson 7 Finding Perimeter Journal Prompt
Wednesday- Lesson 8 Draw and Write Journal Prompt
Thursday- no homework assessment day
Friday- No homework

Reading Homework week of February 12
Monday - Language Dive I Practice
Tuesday - Research Reading Prompt
Wednesday- Language Dive II Practice
Thursday - Shades of Meaning Practice
Friday - no homework

Math Homework week of January 16
Tuesday- Lesson 5 Finding Area Journal Prompt
Wednesday- Lesson 6 Distributive Property Journal Prompt
Thursday- Lesson 7 Finding Perimeter Journal Prompt
Friday - Lesson 8 Draw and Write Journal Prompt
Saturday- no homework

Reading Homework week of January 16
Tuesday - Language Dive I Practice
Wednesday - Research Reading Prompt
Thursday - Language Dive II Practice
Friday - Shades of Meaning Practice
Saturday - no homework

Math Homework week of January 8th
Monday - cancelled due to TRC assessments
Tuesday - Lesson 2 “Tile My Wall Journal Prompt”
Wednesday - Lesson 3 Area Problems Homework
Thursday - Lesson 4 Area and Multiplication Journal Prompt
Friday - No Homework
Reading Homework week of January 8th
Monday - accountable research reading
Tuesday - accountable research reading
Wednesday - accountable research reading
Thursday - accountable research reading
Friday - no homework

Math Homework week of January 2nd
Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - Lesson 1 “Tiling Arrays Journal Prompt”
Wednesday - homework cancelled due to early dismissal
Thursday - Lesson 2 “Tile My Wall Journal Prompt”
Friday - Lesson 4 -no homework

Reading Homework week of January 2nd (look below)
Monday - Holiday
Tuesday - Reflect on guiding questions and bring in a literary classic that is important to you and your family.
Wednesday - homework cancelled
Thursday - accountable research reading

Friday - no homework

Math Homework week of December 18th
Monday -Lesson 3 Bar Graphs homework
Tuesday - Lesson 4 Ball Roll data collection sheet and create a bar graph
Wednesday - Lesson 5 Journal Prompt Jump the Creek
Thursday- No Homework
Friday - No School

Reading homework week of December 18th
Monday -Complete Verb II in packet
Tuesday -Informative Quick Write Prompt
Wednesday - Linking words and phrases practice I
Thursday - No homework
Friday - No School
Math Homework week of December 11th
Monday- lesson 15 Menu planning homework
Tuesday- lesson 16 Play connect 4 with a family member (from cards sent home in a baggie)
Wednesday- assessment/no homework
Thursday- lesson 1 Graphing homework
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework week of December 11th
Monday- Have a conversation with someone at home about your selected frog using the provided prompts in your Unit 3 homework packet
Tuesday-Accountable research reading with prompt.
Wednesday-Respond to an Informative Quick Write prompt using the provided prompts in your Unit 3 homework packet.
Thursday- Complete Verbs I in your homework packet.
Friday- no homework


Math Homework week of December 4th
Monday Lesson 11- Who Understands Journal Prompt
Tuesday No Homework (assessment)
Wednesday Lesson 12- Problems to Ponder - HW
Thursday Lesson 13- Is it Reasonable? Journal Prompt-HW
Friday Lesson 14- no homework

Reading Homework week of December 4th
Monday - Accountable Research Reading (20 minutes) with prompt
Tuesday - Accountable Research Reading with prompt OR HW pass with attendance to Media by Moonlight
Wednesday - Accountable Research Reading with prompt
Thursday -Accountable Research Reading with prompt
Friday - Accountable Research Reading with prompt
Consider using the following independent reading prompts*: • What are some comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs in the text you read? What do they do to the text? • What is the main idea of the text? What are some of the key details and how do they support the main idea? • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you? How do they help you to understand the words? • What questions do you now have after reading? What would you like to learn more about? Why? • What are the most important facts you learned from reading? • What is the most interesting fact you learned today? Why? • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons? • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:

What will your child be doing at school? In this unit, students build background knowledge about frogs. They closely read excerpts of a complex text to answer several research questions. They write informational paragraphs answering these questions. When reading, students use text features to find information about a topic, look at connections between sentences and paragraphs in an excerpt of text, and analyze illustrations to further their understanding of a text. The Language standards that students will be focusing on in this unit (L.3.1d, L.3.1e) require them to: Form and use regular and irregular verbs in the present tense.

How can you support your child at home? ■ Talk to your child about the frogs he or she is studying and what makes them unique. ■ Talk to your child about his or her informative text and the elements of an effective informative text. ■ Choose sentences or paragraphs in an excerpt of text and invite your child to tell you about the connections he or she can identify. ■ Read narrative and informational books about frogs. ■ Watch television documentaries about frogs.

Homework: Freaky Frog Discussion Consider discussing the following questions to prompt conversation: • Where do amphibians live? • What are some differences between amphibians and reptiles? • What makes amphibians unique? • How is water necessary for amphibians to survive?

Research reading: Your child is expected to independently research the topic by reading topic-related books of his/her choice for approximately 20 minutes each day and responding to a prompt of choice in the front of the independent reading journal. These are usually books your child will bring home from school; however, they may be topic-related books chosen by the child at the public or home library. Prompts for independent reading can be found in the homework materials provided.
Choice reading: If your child would also like to independently read and respond to a book of free choice, he/she may use the back of the independent reading journal. Prompts for independent reading can be found in the homework materials provided.


Math week of Nov. 27
Monday- Lesson 7 Practice with Multiplication Break-Aparts
Tuesday- Lesson 8 Show and Share Homework
Wednesday- Lesson 9 Homework Proof
Thursday- cancelled// Real World Multiplication Homework
Friday- No homework (assessment on Monday)

Week of November 27
Monday- conversation with parent about amphibians
Tuesday- research reading prompt
Wednesday- regular verb practice
Thursday- irregular verb practice

Friday- no homework

Reading Homework Week of November 20
Monday- Research reading

Tuesday- no homework

Reading Homework Week of November 13
Monday- Read for 20 minutes
Tuesday- Read for 20 minutes
Wednesday- Read for 20 minutes
Thursday- Read for 20 minutes
Friday- no homework

Math Homework Week of November 13
Monday- Lesson 1
Tuesday- Lesson 2 Division Strategies Homework
Wednesday- Lesson 3 Mixed Word Problems
Thursday- Lesson 4 Multiply or Divide: It's Up to You to Decide
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework Week of Oct. 16
Monday- Accountable Research Reading Prompt
Tuesday- Accountable Research Reading Prompt
Wednesday- complete Comparatives and Superlatives adj.
Thursday- complete Comparatives and Superlatives adv.
Friday- no homework
Consider using the following independent reading prompts*: • What are some comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs in the text you read? What do they do to the text? • What is the main idea of the text? What are some of the key details and how do they support the main idea? • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you? How do they help you to understand the words? • What questions do you now have after reading? What would you like to learn more about? Why? • What are the most important facts you learned from reading? • What is the most interesting fact you learned today? Why? • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons? • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:

Math Homework Week of Oct. 16
Monday- Lesson 5 My Equation
Tuesday- Lesson 6 Word Problems and Equations Homework
Wednesday- Lesson 7 Writing Equations Homework
Thursday- Assessment-no homework
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework for Week of Oct. 9
Monday- Reread "Why the Poison-Dart Frog is So Colorful"
Tuesday- Respond to a QuickWrite prompt in your Homework packet
Wednesday- Add illustrations to each page of "Why the Poison Dart Frog Is So Colorful"
Thursday- Respond to a QuickWrite prompt in your homework packet.
Friday- no homework

Math Homework for Week of Oct. 9
Monday- assessment/ no homework
Tuesday-Lesson 1 Exploring Equality Journal Prompt
Wednesday- Lesson 2 Investigating Balance Journal Prompt
Thursday- Lesson 3 I Agree Journal Prompt
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework for Week of Oct. 2
Monday- Read 20 minutes/ Answer writing prompt in Reading Journal
Tuesday- Read 20 minutes/ Answer writing prompt in Reading Journal
Wednesday- Read 20 minutes/ Answer writing prompt in Reading Journal
Thursday- Reread "Why the Poison-Dart Frog is So Colorful" for gist
Friday- no homework

Math Homework for Week of Oct. 2
Monday- Day 13 “Multiplication Strategies Journal Prompt”
Tuesday- Day 14 “Associative Property Journal Prompt”
Wednesday- Day 15 “Multiplication Recipes Homework”
Thursday- Day 16 “Multiplication Fluency Homework”
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework week of Sept. 25, 2017

Monday- Read for 20 minutes answer a writing prompt from your homework folder
Tuesday- Read for 20 minutes answer a writing prompt from your homework folder
Wednesday- Read for 20 minutes answer a writing prompt from your homework folder
Thursday- Read for 20 minutes answer a writing prompt from your homework folder
Friday- No homework

Math Homework week of Sept. 25, 2017
Please encourage your student to practice their multiplication facts for the numbers covered in class.
Monday- “9s Homework Practice”
Tuesday- “3s and 6s Homework Practice”
Wednesday- “7s Homework Practice”
Thursday- “8s Homework Practice”
Friday- no homework

Reading Homework Week of September 18, 2017
Monday - Practice your reading fluency section from the book you choose in school.
Tuesday - Practice your reading fluency section from the book you choose in school.
Wednesday - Practice your reading fluency section from the book you choose in school.
Thursday - Practice your reading fluency section from the book you choose in school.
Friday - No homework
Math Homework Week of September 18, 2017
Monday- Lesson 5 Multiplication and Division:Inverse Relationships Homework
Tuesday-Lesson 6 0's and 1's Homework Practice
Wednesday- Assessment/ NO Homework
Thursday-Lesson 7 2's and 4's Homework Practice
Friday- NO homework

Math Homework Week of Sept. 11, 2017

Monday- Assessment- no homework

Tuesday- Lesson 1 Patterns in Addition and Multiplication Journal Prompt

Wednesday- Lesson 2 Multiplication Practice Homework

Thursday- Lesson 3 Multiplication and Arrays Homework (2 pages)

Friday-no homework

Reading Homework Week of Sept. 11, 2017
Homework usually runs Monday through Thursday with no homework on Fridays. Homework will be to read each night for 20 minutes and complete the following assignments nightly. This unit's writing prompts can be found in their homework folders. They should be reading from a research book related to the informational texts we are studying in class. I will try to make sure each student has a book to use this week for homework.

Monday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Tuesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Wednesday- Students did not complete the lesson in class today for the planned homework. They can choose to read for 20 minutes or watch one of the books in the links below that they will be choosing from on Thursday.

Nasreen's Secret School

Rain School

Thursday-  Practice your reading fluency section from the book you choose in school.

Friday-no homework

Math Homework update
Thursday, 9-7-17, I sent home an extra math page for homework. I have asked the kids to study the geometry names and attributes from this page over the weekend. It is due on Monday. The other homework from their usual binder is the homework due tomorrow. Many kids understand the concepts in isolation but this unit builds with our unit of area and perimeter later in the year. Thank you for helping them learn these shapes and attributes.

Math Homework Week of Sept. 5, 2017

Monday- Holiday

Tuesday- Lesson 7 Why is This a Quadrilateral?

Wednesday- Lesson 8 Guess My Rule

Thursday- Lesson 9 Draw the Shape

Friday-no homework

Reading Homework Week of Sept. 5, 2017
Homework usually runs Monday through Thursday with no homework on Fridays. Homework will be to read each night for 20 minutes and complete the following assignments nightly. This unit's writing prompts can be found in their homework folders. They should be reading from a research book related to the informational texts we are studying in class. I will try to make sure each student has a book to use this week for homework.

Monday- Holiday

Tuesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Wednesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Thursday-  Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Friday-no homework

Reading Homework Week of August 28, 2017
Homework usually runs Monday through Thursday with no homework on Fridays. Homework will be to read each night for 20 minutes and complete the following assignments nightly. This unit's writing prompts can be found in their homework folders. They should be reading from a research book related to the informational texts we are studying in class. I will try to make sure each student has a book to use this week for homework.

Monday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Tuesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Wednesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Thursday-  Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Friday- no homework

Independent Reading Prompts
  • What is the main idea of the text?  What are some of the key details and how do they support the main idea?
  • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you?  How do they ehlp  you to understand the words?
  • What questions do you now have after reading?  What would you like to learn more about?  Why?
  • What does the text tell you about the importance of reading, books, or education?
  • What are the most important facts you learned from reading?
  • What is the most interesting fact you learned today?  Why?
  • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons?
  • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:


Definition in your own words Synonyms (words that mean the same)

Math Homework Week of August 21, 2017
Monday- Lesson 12 Subtraction Methods Journal Prompt

Tuesday- Lesson 13 Comparison Problems and Multi-digit Problems

Wednesday- Lesson 14 Mixed Multi-digit Word Problems

Thursday- Math Assessment NO homework

Friday-no homework

Reading Homework Week of August 21, 2017
Homework usually runs Monday through Thursday with no homework on Fridays. Homework will be to read each night for 20 minutes and complete the following assignments nightly. This unit's writing prompts can be found in their homework folders. They should be reading from a research book related to the informational texts we are studying in class. I will try to make sure each student has a book to use this week for homework.

Monday-  Bring a favorite book to school tomorrow.  Be prepared to explain how you got it and why it is your favorite.  If you do not have a favorite book, be prepared to explain why.

Tuesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Wednesday- Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Thursday-  Accountable Research Reading.  Select a prompt and respond in the front of your independent reading journal.

Friday- no homework

Independent Reading Prompts
  • What is the main idea of the text?  What are some of the key details and how do they support the main idea?
  • What do the illustrations (photographs, maps) tell you?  How do they ehlp  you to understand the words?
  • What questions do you now have after reading?  What would you like to learn more about?  Why?
  • What does the text tell you about the importance of reading, books, or education?
  • What are the most important facts you learned from reading?
  • What is the most interesting fact you learned today?  Why?
  • How does what you read today connect to something you have learned in lessons?
  • Choose one new word from your reading today and analyze it on a vocabulary square:


Definition in your own words Synonyms (words that mean the same)

Words with the same affix or root Sketch

Homework 7/10 to 7/14

Homework usually runs Monday through Thursday with no homework on Fridays. For the first week of school, homework will be to read each night for 20 minutes

1 comment:

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