Mrs. Simmons' Supply list 2020-2021
Pocket Dictionary Example: Pocket Dictionary
6 pocket expanding file folder. Example: Mead 5 Star Expanding File Folder
4 plastic pocket folders with prongs;
1 red , 1 green, 1 blue, 1 of choice
1 pencil bag or box for school supplies
2 marble covered composition notebook
1 1 ½ inch binder (no smaller or larger)
2 boxes sharpened #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
1 box of Crayola 24 count crayons or colored pencils
1 pair of student-sized scissors
2 highlighters(different colors)
1 pair of earbuds or headphones for computer use (necessary)
4 glue sticks
box of tissues
Notebook paper wide ruled
Clorox or Lysol wipes
Hand sanitizer
Hand Soap
Paper towels
black dry erase markers
1 pair of black ankle socks to use as an eraser for whiteboards
baby wipes for the Art room and Mrs. Perrott
1 box of quart size ziploc bags (girls)
1 box of snack-size ziploc bags (boys)
Our classroom participates in BYOD (Bring Your Own Device). If you are interested in sending a device to school with your child I strongly recommend a Chromebook or similar small laptop. Tablets are also useful. Please do not send cell phones.