Friday, October 13, 2017


A couple of reminders for the last week before we track out on Oct. 20th.  

We have a field trip on Wednesday, October 18th  to Mordecai Historic Park.  Please remind your students to wear their Walk-a-thon T-shirts.  Mordecai has asked that we not bring any Chaperones this year due to the size of the rooms and the number of students we are bringing.  Track 1 and 3 have 4 classes of students this year and there isn't enough space at the museum for extra chaperones.

Please remind your students to bring an extra bag on Friday for their desk items in case everything does not fit in their book bag.  We will be slowly organizing their desks through the week to prepare for a smooth track out.

Friday is early release!  Yay!  The students will be plenty busy before dismissal so please make sure they are able to stay until 1:15.  We will be very busy all week working to complete our first unit of the quarter for an easier transition when we return.  It is important that your child be in school everyday this week.  It is extremely hard to send work home from the EL curriculum and catching up will be difficult for your child.  

I hope everyone has a a terrific week and you are all looking forward to our track out.  The students have been working hard learning about Frogs and should continue to read books about frogs over track out.  Please consider taking your child to the public library if possible to check out books they can use for our next unit when we track back in on November 13th.


Monday, October 9, 2017

We will be tracked out but please see below if your child is interested.  

Calling all characters! Book characters, that is! In a celebration of reading, Brassfield students will parade the school on October 31st carrying their favorite book, dressed as their favorite character. Classrooms across the school will tie the experience to grade level curriculum. From Winnie the Pooh to Harry Potter we can't wait to bring books to life! Be on the lookout for specific information on how to participate from your teacher. Track 3 families are encouraged to come back to school and participate, but be sure to check into the front office with Kimberly when you arrive.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

T-shirts from Walk-a-thon

Please be sure to wear your t-shirt from the walk-a-thon on Friday, Oct 6th, 2017 for our first field trip.

We will be going to the Wakefield High School.   We will not be bringing any chaperones this year due to the nature of our field trip. 

Thank you,
anne simmons