Wednesday, December 12, 2018

I'm so glad to be back after the snow.  I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed the snow safely.  Please be aware that we have Saturday school as a make up day for Monday and our next make up day won't be until March.  It is extremely important that your child attend school on Saturday if at all possible.  We have fallen behind in our lessons this quarter due to missed weather days already this year.  I will be teaching a full lesson in EL and in Math on Saturday.  Lunch is not served so it is important that you send your child with enough to eat.  We will take a break at some point in the day for a lunch/snack break in the classroom.

Don't forget:
Monday, Dec. 17th is the deadline for their Social Studies float assignment.  We are inviting everyone who can come on the 17th at 2:00 to hear the presentations and view the parade floats for our class and Mrs. Olynick's class.  We hope to finish the presentations around 2:30 but in the past we have run over into our recess time by a few minutes.