Thursday, December 28, 2017

Brassfield Morning Movement Club kicks off on Friday, Jan. 5th (K-2nd,) & Fri., Jan. 12th (3rd-5th) @ 8:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room. Follow this link to register your child:
Questions? Contact Parent Volunteers: Amy Buchan & Jennifer Johnson @

Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all the treats I received today.  I was not expecting all the goodies that were sent in with the students.

Please be aware that this is an extremely busy week finishing up the 2nd quarter.  We had an assessment today in EL and will have another one on Thursday.  We are also working toward an assessment in Math on Thursday.  We are right at the end of both units and it is my hope that the students will be more successful on them before the holiday than they would be after a week and a half long break.  

I wanted to make you aware of an opportunity for our Parade Floats.  It has been requested by several staff members to display our parade floats in the library for other classes to view.  Since was not our original plan, I gave students the option to display their float or take it home.  If they choose to put it in the library you may pick it up from the library at any time before or after the holiday.  If you would like it to come home with your child before Thursday just let me know and I will do my best to make sure it goes home earlier.

Have a wonderful winter break!

anne simmons

Thursday, December 7, 2017

It's here!  The Brassfield Morning Movement Club on-line registration sign up link is ready!
 To sign your child up for the Morning Movement Club please click on the web link below for the Google form.

  • The Brassfield Morning Movement Cluwill begin on Friday, January 5, 2018 for (K-2) & Friday, January 12, 2018 for (3rd-5th.) The club will meet from 8:00-8:45 AM on Friday mornings in the Multi-Purpose Room (Gym) from January through Mid-May.  Each age group will meet every other week. The missions of the movement club are to get kids-- BOYS AND GIRLS-- moving and to make them aware of how their breath can help them calm down and focus.  
  •                                                     Brassfield Morning Movement Club FAQs
  • What will my child need to bring? Your child may bring his or her own yoga mat each week. If your child doesn't have a yoga mat, then he/she may use one that has been purchased by the Brassfield PTA for the club.  
  • Is there a cost to participate in the club? There is a one-time $10 club fee to purchase club equipment due the first day your child attends. Make checks payable to "Brassfield PTA." 
  • Will you need parent volunteers? Yes! Look for a web link to the Sign Up Genius for Parent Volunteers. This link will be sent to parents who register their child on-line for the club.  (Note: All volunteers must have Volunteer Clearance with WCPSS) 
  • Who will be leading the club?  Parent Volunteers: Amy Buchan (Tr 2) & Jennifer Johnson (Tr 1) 
  • If I have a yoga mat / yoga mats that I'd like to donate to Brassfield PTA to be used by K-5 students, then where should I bring them? Beginning Nov. 27th, there will be a large box in the lobby labeled: "Yoga Mat donations for Brassfield Morning Movement Club."
  • Have additional questions? Contact: Amy & Jennifer @

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


As part of our social studies curriculum (the study of cultures & movement of people), your child has been working on a parade float.  On Tuesday, December 12 you are invited to come and participate in the Tracks 3 and 4 Culture Parade from 3:15-3:30.  

Parade floats will be set up on the students' desks while you  have the opportunity to move through the parade at your own speed.  

Thank you for participation and support in this festive holiday project!

Megan Olynick and Anne Simmons

Take Home Project: It’s a Parade!
Due: Tuesday, December 12th

Directions: In class we read Milly and the Macy’s Day Parade. In the story we read how combining old-country traditions with new American heritage started an American tradition that we still enjoy today.

For this project, you will be creating your own Holiday Diversity Parade Float representing your family’s heritage/ culture.  Family members MAY help you.

Suggested materials:
• shoebox          • paint           • markers            • glitter
• tissue paper, construction paper, and/ or wrapping paper
• glue               • scissors

What to do:
1. Use a shoebox (or similar material) to make a float for our Diversity Parade display.
2. Decorate the float.
3. Make sure that the float represents your family’s heritage/ culture. You MAY pick just one. For example, I am German, Irish, and Canadian. I might do my float on just Ireland.
4. OPTIONAL: Cut people or characters out of construction paper to put on the float.

Learning benefits:
• Encourages creativity and family time
• Develops Social Studies skills (learning about traditions, other countries, diversity, and the geography theme of movement)
It’s a Parade! Checklist
Your float must show: (25 points)
- Your family’s culture/ heritage
- Creativity
- Neatness
- Effort

You must be able to: (25 points)
- Explain how your float represents your family’s culture/ heritage
o For example: Did you show the country’s flag? Did you use colors associated with the country? Etc.

50- 45 points= 4      39- 35 points= 3    44- 40 points= 2        34- 0 points= 1

Late Projects:
- Will lose 5 points for each day late

Special Notes:
- You have been given 3 weeks to complete this project; do not leave it for the last minute
- Parents and siblings MAY help

Monday, December 4, 2017

Did you know..... 

1- ALL students,, are not permitted to eat outside with another parent/student. Besides the allergy aspect, there isn't anyone outside to supervise. 

2- The tables outside are for sitting only (there have been instances where kids have been standing and climbing on these NEW tables)

3- Did you know that If a child brings in goodies for his/her birthday they first need to be cleared by the teacher before they come to school.
           A. TA's will not pass it out at lunch/nor can they have it at lunch
           B. Ms. Edgreen does not know who or who hasn't talked to you about food
           C. Allergies- The major reason we do not do this.