Thursday, December 28, 2017

Brassfield Morning Movement Club kicks off on Friday, Jan. 5th (K-2nd,) & Fri., Jan. 12th (3rd-5th) @ 8:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room. Follow this link to register your child:
Questions? Contact Parent Volunteers: Amy Buchan & Jennifer Johnson @

Monday, December 18, 2017

Dear Parents,

Thank you so much for all the treats I received today.  I was not expecting all the goodies that were sent in with the students.

Please be aware that this is an extremely busy week finishing up the 2nd quarter.  We had an assessment today in EL and will have another one on Thursday.  We are also working toward an assessment in Math on Thursday.  We are right at the end of both units and it is my hope that the students will be more successful on them before the holiday than they would be after a week and a half long break.  

I wanted to make you aware of an opportunity for our Parade Floats.  It has been requested by several staff members to display our parade floats in the library for other classes to view.  Since was not our original plan, I gave students the option to display their float or take it home.  If they choose to put it in the library you may pick it up from the library at any time before or after the holiday.  If you would like it to come home with your child before Thursday just let me know and I will do my best to make sure it goes home earlier.

Have a wonderful winter break!

anne simmons

Thursday, December 7, 2017

It's here!  The Brassfield Morning Movement Club on-line registration sign up link is ready!
 To sign your child up for the Morning Movement Club please click on the web link below for the Google form.

  • The Brassfield Morning Movement Cluwill begin on Friday, January 5, 2018 for (K-2) & Friday, January 12, 2018 for (3rd-5th.) The club will meet from 8:00-8:45 AM on Friday mornings in the Multi-Purpose Room (Gym) from January through Mid-May.  Each age group will meet every other week. The missions of the movement club are to get kids-- BOYS AND GIRLS-- moving and to make them aware of how their breath can help them calm down and focus.  
  •                                                     Brassfield Morning Movement Club FAQs
  • What will my child need to bring? Your child may bring his or her own yoga mat each week. If your child doesn't have a yoga mat, then he/she may use one that has been purchased by the Brassfield PTA for the club.  
  • Is there a cost to participate in the club? There is a one-time $10 club fee to purchase club equipment due the first day your child attends. Make checks payable to "Brassfield PTA." 
  • Will you need parent volunteers? Yes! Look for a web link to the Sign Up Genius for Parent Volunteers. This link will be sent to parents who register their child on-line for the club.  (Note: All volunteers must have Volunteer Clearance with WCPSS) 
  • Who will be leading the club?  Parent Volunteers: Amy Buchan (Tr 2) & Jennifer Johnson (Tr 1) 
  • If I have a yoga mat / yoga mats that I'd like to donate to Brassfield PTA to be used by K-5 students, then where should I bring them? Beginning Nov. 27th, there will be a large box in the lobby labeled: "Yoga Mat donations for Brassfield Morning Movement Club."
  • Have additional questions? Contact: Amy & Jennifer @

Wednesday, December 6, 2017


As part of our social studies curriculum (the study of cultures & movement of people), your child has been working on a parade float.  On Tuesday, December 12 you are invited to come and participate in the Tracks 3 and 4 Culture Parade from 3:15-3:30.  

Parade floats will be set up on the students' desks while you  have the opportunity to move through the parade at your own speed.  

Thank you for participation and support in this festive holiday project!

Megan Olynick and Anne Simmons

Take Home Project: It’s a Parade!
Due: Tuesday, December 12th

Directions: In class we read Milly and the Macy’s Day Parade. In the story we read how combining old-country traditions with new American heritage started an American tradition that we still enjoy today.

For this project, you will be creating your own Holiday Diversity Parade Float representing your family’s heritage/ culture.  Family members MAY help you.

Suggested materials:
• shoebox          • paint           • markers            • glitter
• tissue paper, construction paper, and/ or wrapping paper
• glue               • scissors

What to do:
1. Use a shoebox (or similar material) to make a float for our Diversity Parade display.
2. Decorate the float.
3. Make sure that the float represents your family’s heritage/ culture. You MAY pick just one. For example, I am German, Irish, and Canadian. I might do my float on just Ireland.
4. OPTIONAL: Cut people or characters out of construction paper to put on the float.

Learning benefits:
• Encourages creativity and family time
• Develops Social Studies skills (learning about traditions, other countries, diversity, and the geography theme of movement)
It’s a Parade! Checklist
Your float must show: (25 points)
- Your family’s culture/ heritage
- Creativity
- Neatness
- Effort

You must be able to: (25 points)
- Explain how your float represents your family’s culture/ heritage
o For example: Did you show the country’s flag? Did you use colors associated with the country? Etc.

50- 45 points= 4      39- 35 points= 3    44- 40 points= 2        34- 0 points= 1

Late Projects:
- Will lose 5 points for each day late

Special Notes:
- You have been given 3 weeks to complete this project; do not leave it for the last minute
- Parents and siblings MAY help

Monday, December 4, 2017

Did you know..... 

1- ALL students,, are not permitted to eat outside with another parent/student. Besides the allergy aspect, there isn't anyone outside to supervise. 

2- The tables outside are for sitting only (there have been instances where kids have been standing and climbing on these NEW tables)

3- Did you know that If a child brings in goodies for his/her birthday they first need to be cleared by the teacher before they come to school.
           A. TA's will not pass it out at lunch/nor can they have it at lunch
           B. Ms. Edgreen does not know who or who hasn't talked to you about food
           C. Allergies- The major reason we do not do this.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Welcome back!  

The holidays are here but please help your child remain focused.  I know this is a busy time of year for everyone but our new curriculum is very rigorous.  It is not easy to make up missed work and stay on track if students miss the lessons.  I completely understand that you have to do what is best for your family, but please try to make sure your child attends school as often as possible.  I will not be able to switch lessons around or pause lessons because of holiday travel.  Early release days are just as important as a full school day.  If we have a snow day, it is important that your child attend Saturday make-up days if possible.  We do everything on a Saturday make-up that we would have done on a regular weekday.  

Dates to remember:
  • Tuesday, November 21st Early Release at 1:15 pm
  • Wednesday, November 22nd - Friday, November 24th Thanksgiving Break
  • Tuesday. November 28th & Wednesday, November 29th Grade 3 Iowa Testing Tr.¾
  • Friday, November 30th Spirit Day: Wear Black & White  ​​​​​​​
Have a fun, safe, and fabulous Thanksgiving.

Mrs. Simmons

Friday, October 13, 2017


A couple of reminders for the last week before we track out on Oct. 20th.  

We have a field trip on Wednesday, October 18th  to Mordecai Historic Park.  Please remind your students to wear their Walk-a-thon T-shirts.  Mordecai has asked that we not bring any Chaperones this year due to the size of the rooms and the number of students we are bringing.  Track 1 and 3 have 4 classes of students this year and there isn't enough space at the museum for extra chaperones.

Please remind your students to bring an extra bag on Friday for their desk items in case everything does not fit in their book bag.  We will be slowly organizing their desks through the week to prepare for a smooth track out.

Friday is early release!  Yay!  The students will be plenty busy before dismissal so please make sure they are able to stay until 1:15.  We will be very busy all week working to complete our first unit of the quarter for an easier transition when we return.  It is important that your child be in school everyday this week.  It is extremely hard to send work home from the EL curriculum and catching up will be difficult for your child.  

I hope everyone has a a terrific week and you are all looking forward to our track out.  The students have been working hard learning about Frogs and should continue to read books about frogs over track out.  Please consider taking your child to the public library if possible to check out books they can use for our next unit when we track back in on November 13th.


Monday, October 9, 2017

We will be tracked out but please see below if your child is interested.  

Calling all characters! Book characters, that is! In a celebration of reading, Brassfield students will parade the school on October 31st carrying their favorite book, dressed as their favorite character. Classrooms across the school will tie the experience to grade level curriculum. From Winnie the Pooh to Harry Potter we can't wait to bring books to life! Be on the lookout for specific information on how to participate from your teacher. Track 3 families are encouraged to come back to school and participate, but be sure to check into the front office with Kimberly when you arrive.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

T-shirts from Walk-a-thon

Please be sure to wear your t-shirt from the walk-a-thon on Friday, Oct 6th, 2017 for our first field trip.

We will be going to the Wakefield High School.   We will not be bringing any chaperones this year due to the nature of our field trip. 

Thank you,
anne simmons

Monday, September 25, 2017

End of Unit Celebration

Please attend, if available, this Friday, September 29th from 12:00 to 12:45.  The students have been working very hard this quarter and we would love to have you celebrate their hard work with us during a demonstration of their work.  

Please let me know if you can contribute to their celebration by signing up to bring something on the Sign Up Genius link below.

EL Celebration

Don't forget that Friday is also an early release at 1:15

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Please read the announcement below. We will be hosting 2 informational sessions for your convenience.

Read to Achieve 3rd Grade Parent Presentation
North Carolina General Assembly’s Read to Achieve program is part of the Excellent Public Schools Act that became law in July 2012. The law outlines that if a third grade student is not reading at grade level by the end of third grade on the Third Grade Reading EOG, they will be invited to attend a free, district-sponsored reading camp, offered for at least 72 hours, to receive additional reading support.

Please join us for our third grade parent presentation to learn more about the Read to Achieve program.  We look forward to seeing you and helping to answer your questions.

CHOICE OF DATES:  Thursday, October 5   OR   Wednesday, October 25


LOCATION:  Brassfield Road Elementary Media Center

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Please be aware that the CogAt test will be administered Monday through Wednesday, September 18, 19, 20 next week.  Please make sure your child arrives on time and has had plenty of sleep the night before.  If you have any questions please email me and I am happy to answer as best as I can.

anne simmons

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Friday is Walk-a-thon!!!

Thank you in advance to everyone who has signed up, and rescheduled to be a volunteer at the Walk-a-thon Friday.

Please remember to send your child with a water bottle they will clearly know as their own.  If it is a one time use bottle, please write their name on it with a permanent marker.  There will be many bottles outside and we want to make sure no one accidentally shares a water bottle.  

Also, please remember to wear your fabulous T-shirts to the walk-a-thon.  I am looking forward to the opportunity to wear mine.  I am leaving it in my desk so there is no chance of forgetting tomorrow.

Thank you to all the parents who have signed up for a conference.  If you have not received an email or you still want a conference you can try the link below to my Sign Up Genius.

Simmons First Quarter Conferences

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Good afternoon!

Calling all 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students that enjoy running and would like to prepare for a race (1 mile, 2 mile, or 5k). You should join the Brassfield running club!   During our weekly runs, we will work on building endurance and speed while fostering a love of running.  The club will begin on Wednesday, September 6th and will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 3:45-4:45pm.  Our last running club will be Wednesday, November 15th. Students are welcomed to attend running club over their track out if someone is available to drop them off and to take them home. The runners must be picked up promptly at 4:45 in the carpool parking loop.  We expect that all students participating in our running club with exhibit PAWS behavior.  If you have questions, feel free to contact Libby Lipetzky (  

We will be accepting sign ups until Tuesday, 9/5/17.  Link to sign up:

*Reminder: This form must be completed each season.  If your child participated in the spring, you must still complete this form in order for him/her to participate this fall.

Thank you! Happy Running!
The Running Club Coaches
Spanish permission slip link:$File/CONSENTIMIENTO%20DEL%20SISTEMA%20DE%20ESCUELAS%20P%C3%9ABLICAS%20DEL%20CONDADO%20DE%20WAKE%20w%20Letterhead.pdf?OpenElement&FileName=CONSENTIMIENTO%20DEL%20SISTEMA%20DE%20ESCUELAS%20P%C3%9ABLICAS%20DEL%20CONDADO%20DE%20WAKE%20w%20Letterhead.pdf
Please read and return the permission form with your child on Monday if you would like them to participate.

2017 Total Solar Eclipse
Monday, August 21st

Thanks to generous donations of Solar Eclipse viewing glasses from Brassfield families and community members, all of our students who are tracked in on August 21st will have the opportunity
to participate in the safe viewing of the historical Total Solar Eclipse.

Eclipse Learning Experience Information
The 2017 Eclipse across America will occur on Monday, August 21, 2017. In North Carolina, the partial eclipse will begin around 2:33pm and peak at approximately 2:44pm when the moon obscures 92.7% of the sun.  Wake County residents will experience a partial view of the Total Eclipse. Skies will gradually begin to darken as the moon moves into the path of the Sun. Over time, the sky will become increasingly dark and then will gradually become filled with more light as the moon moves out of the path of the sun. After completing lessons on solar eclipses and safe viewing practices, Brassfield students and staff will have the opportunity to spend approximately an hour outside (2:15-3:15) observing the eclipse take place. ​​​​​​​
Please direct questions about how your child's class will prepare for the eclipse to your classroom teacher.  Students without permission to participate in this learning experience will be assigned an alternate activity and will be required to stay indoors during our observation hour.

Eclipse Safety
The health and well-being of Brassfield students and employees is of the utmost importance during this experience.  It is important to recognize that it is never safe to look directly at the sun’s rays, even when the sun is partially obscured.  When watching a partial eclipse, individuals must wear approved eclipse glasses at all times if they are facing the sun.

Students & staff will be provided solar eclipse glasses from either Rainbow Symphony or
American Paper Optics. Both manufacturers meet  ISO 12312-2 and CE standards of safety.



  • Important dates to remember
  • August 28 - Fall Picture Day, Tracks 1 & 3
  • August 30 - Spirit Day - Wacky Tacky - City BBQ at Falls of Neuse
  • August 31 - Walkathon, Tracks 1 & 3
  • September 4 - No School - Labor Day
CogAT Online Video Presentation
All 3rd grade students will take first quarter
If you still have questions please stop by at one of these times
Any questions please email:
Parent CogAT Q & A Sessions
In room 117
Track 1
Thursday, August 17th
8:45 - 9:30
3:30 - 4:15
Tracks 2,3, 4
Wednesday, September 6th from 8:45 - 9:30

3:30 - 4:15

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Parents and students,

I hope you all have a safe and wonderful track out.  Please send your student with an extra bag on Friday in case they cannot fit everything in their book bag.  As usual we will empty our desks and try to keep track of everything to return at the end of August.  

I appreciate your patience with the reading homework while we work out the kinks.  I hope to have a better idea what it looks like when we return from track out.  In the mean time, keep your children reading daily.  20 minutes is best for focus stamina and reading growth.  Mrs. Wall in the media center has started an optional reading challenge you might want to consider doing.  You can sign up under the link and keep your kids motivated over break. 

Enjoy your track out!
Anne Simmons

Wednesday, July 19, 2017


Thank you for coming to Open House last night.  It was so nice to meet everyone.  Please take a look at the link below to go over the rules of BYOD with your child this evening.  That will hopefully answer most of your questions. 

I will be updating the weekly homework soon for next week.

Again, thank you for coming last night and I hope you all have exciting plans for Track Out.

anne simmons

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Welcome 2017-2018

Dear Parents,

We are off to a great start to the new school year!  Our hallways are being painted and they look terrific.  I hope you will join me for Open House next Tuesday night at 5:30 PM.  I look forward to meeting you there.  

Many of you have turned in your BYOD forms to allow your child to bring in devices for use in the classroom for educational purposes.  I wanted to wait until after Open House to allow students to bring in their devices.   If you have time before Wednesday, please take a look at the link to Ms. Hawley's website FAQ about BYOD.  There is a new updated form going home on Monday that will also need to be signed and returned before bringing in devices.  I apologize for the duplication but we just got the form this afternoon and I was unaware that the form was being updated. 

We have started having homework in Math this week.  If your child rides the bus there is a strong possibility they completed their homework in class while waiting.  I always tell children to take it home even if it is completed so you can look at it and get an idea what they are working on in class.  We will start our reading homework next week but they should be reading for 20 minutes everyday.  

Please email me with any questions at 

Important dates to remember:
Open House 7-18-17  5:30 PM
BOG Testing Day TBD (week of 7-24-17)
Walkathon for Track 3 is 8-31-17 at 10:30 AM (rain date is 9-8-17)

Have a great weekend!

Anne Simmons