Wednesday, December 6, 2017


As part of our social studies curriculum (the study of cultures & movement of people), your child has been working on a parade float.  On Tuesday, December 12 you are invited to come and participate in the Tracks 3 and 4 Culture Parade from 3:15-3:30.  

Parade floats will be set up on the students' desks while you  have the opportunity to move through the parade at your own speed.  

Thank you for participation and support in this festive holiday project!

Megan Olynick and Anne Simmons

Take Home Project: It’s a Parade!
Due: Tuesday, December 12th

Directions: In class we read Milly and the Macy’s Day Parade. In the story we read how combining old-country traditions with new American heritage started an American tradition that we still enjoy today.

For this project, you will be creating your own Holiday Diversity Parade Float representing your family’s heritage/ culture.  Family members MAY help you.

Suggested materials:
• shoebox          • paint           • markers            • glitter
• tissue paper, construction paper, and/ or wrapping paper
• glue               • scissors

What to do:
1. Use a shoebox (or similar material) to make a float for our Diversity Parade display.
2. Decorate the float.
3. Make sure that the float represents your family’s heritage/ culture. You MAY pick just one. For example, I am German, Irish, and Canadian. I might do my float on just Ireland.
4. OPTIONAL: Cut people or characters out of construction paper to put on the float.

Learning benefits:
• Encourages creativity and family time
• Develops Social Studies skills (learning about traditions, other countries, diversity, and the geography theme of movement)
It’s a Parade! Checklist
Your float must show: (25 points)
- Your family’s culture/ heritage
- Creativity
- Neatness
- Effort

You must be able to: (25 points)
- Explain how your float represents your family’s culture/ heritage
o For example: Did you show the country’s flag? Did you use colors associated with the country? Etc.

50- 45 points= 4      39- 35 points= 3    44- 40 points= 2        34- 0 points= 1

Late Projects:
- Will lose 5 points for each day late

Special Notes:
- You have been given 3 weeks to complete this project; do not leave it for the last minute
- Parents and siblings MAY help

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